High Lift Technology
MTS Highlift Technique uses long stroke unified hydraulics that are a product of advanced engineering. This 186 ft diameter tank (right) was lifted 8 ft (2.5m) in order to install secondary containment. Safety cribbing, more than capable of holding the entire weight, was added before anyone was permitted to go under the tank. An engineered interior support system was installed to keep the floor from sagging.The lift was inspected and approved by Occupational Health and Safety.
Low Lift Technology
MTS Low Lift Technique uses single stroke, unified hydraulics to lift and level tanks where the outer shell have settled or to install an outer ring-wall. This 250 ft tank (right) was lifted to install a concrete ring-wall. In the photo, forming has begun and the jacks and prefabricated concrete pillars are holding the tank in place while the work on the ring-wall is being completed.